Friday, 17 May 2013

Failed BMS Board Update #2

Failed BMS Board Update #2

I called the "local" dealership yesterday (16-May) inquiring about an update. They received the replacement BMS board from Zero. However, they don't have the cable required to connect their computer to the bike (BMS board, MBB?) to reprogram/synch them. Zero didn't ship one with the replacement board. I imagine it will be another week or two before the cable arrives and the BMS can be repaired.

To those thinking of purchasing a Zero, definitely have another bike or you might waste a month of prime riding season without one while waiting for your Zero to get repaired.

Monday, 13 May 2013

Failed BMS Board Update #1

Failed BMS Board Update #1

The new BMS shipped out from Zero HQ in California on 1-May-2013. I called the dealership Moto-Gatineau on 10-May-2013 (or was it 11th) to find out if they had received it, but they replied that it hadn't but it should arrive shortly.

Would I recommend a Zero? Who knows... this isn't the first 2012 with a failed BMS, the 2012 S/DS had an infamous "glitch" best described through threads on Electric Motorcycle Forum and there seems to be some issues/problems appearing with the 2013's. Maybe wait for a 2014 and the issues to be resolved? I guess I'd recommend one, so long as you don't have to rely on it being your primary ride...